What People are Saying ...
“The biggest thing is you want to be able to produce all year long. And you can’t produce if you’re losing muscle, you’re losing power, your body’s just breaking down. So, having that, seeing where I was at the beginning and seeing where I was at the end of the year is a big confidence booster. That means that the programs that we have going for me right now are working and that’s what I mean by for me filtering data or filtering information, I like to do it through data. And so that the data proves that it’s working, it’s not a placebo, I know that it’s working. It’s a big confidence booster for me.”
– Brendan Donovan, St. Louis Cardinals

“In seeing the results that the kids are getting, that holds me and my programming more accountable. If I’m writing a new progression that’s going to last 3 weeks, I need to look back at the previous 6 weeks and see how much lateral bounding we’re doing for a certain kid that maybe didn’t score well on a single leg jump or how much hip mobility work were doing for a kid that doesn’t have a very good broad jump. It’s instant feedback for me because I can see those results. It starts with the program; I need to be able to provide them the best road map for their abilities to then be able to transfer that over to the tests and ultimately to the field. It holds me accountable.”
– Josh Reidt, CEO, Reidt Fitness Systems
“We had [a player] and he was the highest scorer in our program and [the team] started to watch what he was doing and he was getting up at 5am and running stadium steps and running sprints and doing shuttles and after his scores came in, he scored so high, the next thing you know he has a group with him. He has six [other guys] with him doing the workouts and training the way he was training because they wanted to do what he was doing they wanted to score what he scored because his scores were really impressive. With data and the science behind it and just seeing how these kids are training, they want to do what the kid who is doing well is doing and so, it really added to our program.”
– Benji Medure, Head Coach, Huntington Beach High School

“[Weekly performance testing with Loden Sports] was really helpful. It showed me the toll that it can take week to week and what I need to do to stay relatively even with what I’m doing explosiveness-wise and athletically. I think that was really beneficial for me for maintaining my health because I knew every week kind of where I was at in terms of: Is my left leg a little better? Is my right leg a little better? Am I low on all my jumps? It was really encouraging and kind of motivated me because I knew I was doing the right things because my numbers didn’t just go down drastically. My numbers were fairly consistent every week and I attribute that to the routines and getting good sleep.”
– Noah Campbell, Milwaukee Brewers Organization
“All that testing is really foreign to me and it’s good to have you break it down in the report. The technology stuff can be a little hard to grasp all at once, so it’s good because I give it to [my strength coach] and [he] looks at it and says okay we can work on this, this is what helps with this, this is what helps with this – so it’s really good to have that and use it to communicate – because it’s only useful if I can use it to get myself better.”
– Matt McLain, Cincinnati Reds Organization

“At first, I was super envious that I never had anything like this when I was playing so, I was like, this is great. I think a lot of times as a parent with a teenager, you’re not getting a lot of information from your child, everything is good… there’s no way I was going to get any of this information. If you ask your kid, do you feel powerful? Do you feel fast? Any teenager with some confidence is going to tell you, yea… These data points really do a good job of showing where your strengths are and where your weaknesses are.”
– Joe Fraser, Parent and 1995 College World Series Champion
Loden Sports Featured
“Matt Pajak of Loden Sports joins Geoff Pontes to discuss athleticism in baseball. They talk about how Loden tests for it and how it correlates to exit velocity, throwing velocity and power. The two discuss youth sports culture in America and finish the show with some athletic outliers in the minor leagues.”
Listen on: Online
Original Air Date: March 9, 2023

Featured in: Vanderbilt’s Spencer Jones could be the MLB Draft’s powerful, fast, late-blooming steal – an MLB Draft profile on Vanderbilt outfield prospect Spencer Jones. Written by Joe Rexrode and featured on The Athletic.
Read: The Athletic
Date of Publication: July 6, 2022
“On this week’s episode, Geoff Pontes sits down with Loden Sports founders Sean Campbell and Matt Pajak to discuss their work with USA Baseball and the PDP program, the value of athletic testing and its use in identifying the best baseball athletes. This week’s show offers an in-depth look at the new methods of testing and how they are helping major league organizations do a better job of evaluating.”
Listen on: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Online
Original Air Date: April 27, 2022

“Nathan Rode and Shooter Hunt review Trackman data from the 2021 Super 60 with Zach Day and chat with Sean Campbell and Matt Pajak of Loden Sports about the strength and agility testing they put players through.”
Listen on: Apple Podcasts / Soundcloud
Original Air Date: March 4, 2021