NFT… non-fungible token.
What are NFTs and why are they everywhere?

So, what does any of this have to do with evaluating athleticism?
What is unique about the Loden Score System is that it objectively quantifies power, quickness, and speed, and creates an overall Loden Score. The Loden Score number, achieved by participating in an official Loden Sports evaluation, is true and universal. A high score on the Loden Sports evaluation is a special achievement, one that we want our athletes to be proud of and as such, we are certifying their athleticism with the creation of their own unique 1/1 NFT.
When athletes receive their NFT, they’ll know that they are part of an exclusive club, it’s a representation of something achieved by less than 1% of all athletes: they are objectively an outlier. The Loden Sports Outlier NFT will be awarded to an athlete who scores a 9 or higher Loden Score on the Loden Sports Dynamic Performance Evaluation (12 is the highest). Each personalized NFT in the collection will immortalize the outlier athletes on the blockchain forever.

In 2021, Loden Sports evaluated thousands of athletes, and of those thousands of athletes, 13 registered a Loden Score of 9 or higher. There was one “12,” three “10’s,” and nine “9’s.”
Okay, I’m an Outlier, I have this NFT, what do I do with it?

Well, you are a little bit early to the party. Not in such a way where the party is next week, but more so in such a way where everyone is going to show up in an hour or two. NFTs came first, and with the steam they have generated, everyone is scrambling to catch up, so the platforms to showcase and show-off are on their way.
Right now, the Loden Sports NFT is a cool token to show to your friends. In the near future, you’ll be able to add it to all of your social profiles.
What if I score a 9 or higher in Power, but my overall Loden Score is less than a 9?
While we are looking to start by awarding athletes that score a 9 or higher Loden Score, we are kicking around the idea of also awarding athletes that score a 9 or higher in Power, Quickness, and Speed with their own distinctly designed NFT – nothing imminent, but it’s in the think tank.
Bottom Line
Loden Sports wants to recognize outlier athletes for the combination of the hard work they put in and the special gifts they possess. The Loden Sports Outlier NFT is an achievement attained by few, so for those athletes that have scored or will score a 9 or higher Loden Score, it’s something to be proud of.