A Simple Scoring Mechanism
As we’ve explained in the Loden Sports Talent Identification blog, the Loden Score System was created as a simple 0-12 athlete scoring mechanism to provide insights into power output, quickness, speed, and overall raw athleticism.
Up to this point, all of our male athletes have been benchmarked against the elite, physically-mature athlete. As we’ve seen in our Objective Performance Benchmarks, this often yields a collection of 0’s for our younger, physically immature athletes accompanied by a host of questions and concerns from parents and coaches… for good reason. And for this reason, Loden Sports would like to introduce the Junior Loden Score System.
While young athletes hit their growth spurt at different times, we’ve observed a consistent jump out of the collection of 0’s right around the age of 14 (seen below). For many, this coincides not only with a growth spurt, but also the beginning of high school.

Something for the Younger Cats
So, while the Loden Score System will remain intact for athletes aged 14 and up who are actively physically maturing or who have fully physically matured, the Junior Loden Score System will be instituted for athletes aged 13 and below to be compared to other athletes that have yet to reach physical maturation.
The Junior Loden Score System resembles the Loden Score System in that it is comprised of a Power, Quickness, Speed, and Junior Loden Score. All scores are on a 0-12 scale.
It will be important for athletes, parents, and coaches to keep in mind that when an athlete turns 14, they will transition from the Junior Loden Score System to the Loden Score System.