The Outlier Sessions Podcast: Season 1
Loden Sports is excited to announce that as a follow-up to the Loden Sports Outlier Sessions from December and early-January, we will be making each session available on the Apple Podcasts platform and YouTube. Corbin Carroll is live now and a new podcast will be released each Friday between January 21 and February 25, 2022.
Beyond the original 7, expect monthly installations moving forward starting in April!
The Outlier Sessions have been created as a way to bridge the gap and create a connection between the aspiring and the achieving. All of our guests have a niche at the highest levels of their sport and are an outlier in their own right. We used these sessions as an opportunity to talk about long term athlete development (LTAD) in the context of their experiences; their journeys; their processes for taking care of themselves; and to get to know a little bit more about their personal interests as well.
The Outlier Sessions debuted in early December 2021 with Corbin Carroll, an outfielder in the Arizona Diamondbacks organization and one of the top prospects in baseball. Each live session was held in the lodeN Discord and allowed attendees the opportunity to interact with our guests. For more information and backgrounds on our initial run of guests, check out our blog from November.
Additionally, those in attendance were eligible to claim a free POAP NFT for the session – a POAP is basically a digital ticket stub.

A handful of our guests gave away cool items for a select few in attendance: Glenallen Hill Jr. and Noah Campbell signed game-used bats, Corbin Carroll signed baseball cards, and Brendan Donovan and Matt McLain signed baseballs.

Where to find the Outlier Sessions Podcast ...
Find all Loden Sports Outlier Sessions as they become available on YouTube.
Take the Loden Sports Outlier Sessions on your next trip via Apple Podcasts.
Loden Sports appreciates you listening in and we look forward to continuing to provide you all with high-level athletic development content on the blog and through the Outlier Sessions podcast.